
1 初めに


2 主な属の新芽の出方と咲き方のあらまし


1 基本
2 大株の
3 新芽の咲き方
1 基本−大部分の複茎種新芽が1年かけて生長して開花
2 新芽が大きくならないうちにまたは短期間で開花−カトレヤ不定期咲やジゴペタラムなど
3 新芽が大きくならないうちに次の新芽が出て、後の方だけ咲く−カトレヤの大株など
4 新芽が2年以上かけて咲く−デンドロビウムのノビル系、パフィオの未熟新芽


力トレア類の発育習性解明による生産安定技術の確立      第3報 力トレア類の生長と分化
栃木農試研報 No.36:123〜127(1989)

ランの花芽形成-1-小形シンビジウムの花芽分化と発育〔英文〕Flower Bud Formation in Orchids : I. On the Floral Initiation and Development in Miniature Cymbidiums
千葉大学園芸学部学術報告 19, 23-27, 1971-12-31

Flower bud formation in orchids. I. On the floral initiation and development in miniature cymbidiums., K. KOSUGI, M. YOKOI, N. ASAI and K. MATSUDA, Faculty of Horticulture, Chiba University, Matsudo, Japan. Tech. Bull. Fac. Hort. Chiba. Univ. No.19: 23-27, 1971. Flower bud formation in miniature cymbidium cultivar 'Shiratama-Nishiki' was observed in the plants grown in the greenhouse of Faculty of Horticulture, Chiba University in 1966 and 1967. Flower bud initiaton in this cultivar occurred in early July in 1966 and late June in 1967 and the flower buds developed to the pollen sac and stigma formation stage by late July in 1966, and early August in 1967.

(since 1988, ISSN: 0915-0838)


original paper

vol.11 (2002)

Leaf Coloration in Caladium Cultivars during Plant Growth and Development.
Eakhkas U. Ahmed, Takahiro Hayashi and Susumu Yazawa

Studies on flowering of kurumetsutsuzi (Rhododendron Kurume Azalea Hybrids)
1. Effects of growth retardants on flower bud formation and flowering. (In Japanese with English abstract)
Koshiro Kawase and Kunihiko Yokoi

vol.10 (2001)

Effects of top removal of new corm on the corm yield and the corm shape of mutant of taro. (In Japanese with English abstract)
Takashi Morita, Kazuo Kimura, Keiko Kataoka, Takashi Fudano and Koshiro Kawase

Effect of the fog cooling system on the air temperature of glasshouse in summer. (In Japanese with English abstract)
Keiko Kataoka, Tsuyoshi Konishi, Kouji Nishikawa, Takashi Fudano and Takashi Morita

Effect of day length on flower bud differentiation and development, and flowering in satsuki (Rhododendron Satsuki Azalea Hybrids). (In Japanese with English abstract)
Koshiro Kawase

vol.2 (1990)
Clonal propagation of Paphiopedilum by tissue culture (1) in vitro culture of ovaries, flower stalks and undeveloped flower buds. (In Japanese with English abstract)
Koshiro Kawase

In Vitro Shoot Induction and Plant Regeneration from Flower Buds in Paphiopedilum Orchids

Species of Paphiopedilum, commonly known as slipper orchids, are extremely diverse in color, shape and size of their flowers, attracting orchid lovers worldwide; however, no explant from mature plants has been successfully mass propagated in vitro. Nearly all slipper orchids are traded as potted plants through in vitro germinated hybrid seeds that lack uniformity and are unpredictable in their traits, which will not be known until many years later when the plants are mature enough to flower. Using seeds or seedlings as the source material for tissue culture propagation suffers this same serious drawback. We report here the high-frequency direct induction of shoots and regeneration of plants from sectioned young flower buds (FBs) of fully mature plants in two hybrid species. The induction rates were 57-75%, and all plants survived in a greenhouse. Because the plants were produced directly from the meristems without going through the callus stage, they are expected to have the same genetic traits as their mother plants. The phenotype of the regenerated plants is therefore predictable and consistent, which is particularly important for the commercial micropropagation production and the conservation of those very few elite or near-extinct Paphiopedilum plants. We also found that the small bract at the FB base harbored a new miniature FB, which further harbored a primitive FB with dome-shaped meristem-like tissues that presumably led to the plant induction. The reiteration of this pattern resulted in a scorpioid cyme inflorescence architecture in the multifloral Paphiopedilum species, and its failure to reiterate resulted in a single flower. This finding offers a lead to further explore both the micropropagation process and the flower organogenesis of Paphiopedilum plants.

Yu-Ching Tsai, Yu-Ju Liao, and Yung-Wei Sun (from left to right) in an orchid tissue culture room.

Yu-Ju Liao, Yu-Ching Tsai, Yung-Wei Sun, Ruey-Song Lin, Fang-Sheng Wu. In vitro shoot induction and plant regeneration from flower buds in Paphiopedilum orchids. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant, 47:702-709, 2011.

The Duplicated B-class MADS-Box Genes Display Dualistic Characters in Orchid Floral Organ Identity and Growth
Plant Cell Physiol (2011) 52 (9): 1515-1531. doi: 10.1093/pcp/pcr092 First published online: July 13, 2011 This article appears in:Special Issue Articles: Flowering
Zhao-Jun Pan1,
Chih-Chin Cheng1,
Wen-Chieh Tsai2,3,
Mei-Chu Chung4,
Wen-Huei Chen3,
Jer-Ming Hu5,* and
Hong-Hwa Chen1,2,3,*

+ Author Affiliations

1Department of Life Sciences, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan

2Institute of Tropic Plant Sciences, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan

3Orchid Research Center, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan

4Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica, Taipei 115, Taiwan

5Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, National Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan

*Corresponding authors: Hong-Hwa Chen, E-mail, hhchen@mail.ncku.edu.tw; Fax, +886-6-235-6211; Jer-Ming Hu, E-mail, jmhu@ntu.edu.tw; Fax, +886-2-368-6750

Orchidaceae are an excellent model to examine perianth development because of their sophisticated floral architecture. In this study, we identified 24 APETALA3 (AP3)-like and 13 PISTILLA (PI)-like genes from 11 species of orchids and characterized them into four AP3- and two PI-duplicated homologs. The first duplication event in AP3 homologs occurring in the early evolutionary history of the Orchidaceae gave rise to AP3A and AP3B clades. Further duplication events resulted in four subclades, namely AP3A1, AP3A2, AP3B1 and AP3B2, during the evolution of Orchidaceae. The AP3 paralogous genes were expressed throughout inflorescence and floral bud development. From the in situ hybridization results, we noticed that the transition timings from ubiquitous to constrained expression in floral organs for both clades are different. The transition point of expression of the AP3A clade (clades 3 and 4) was at the late floral organ primordia stage. In contrast, that for the AP3B clade (clades 1 and 2) was not observed until the late inflorescence and floral bud stages. In addition, the AP3 orthologous genes revealed diverse expression patterns in various species of orchids, whereas the PI homologs were uniformly expressed in all floral whorls. AP3A2 orthologs play a noticeable role in lip formation because of their exclusive expression in the lip. Further evidence comes from the ectopic expression of AP3A2 detected in the lip-like petals extending from the lip in four sets of peloric mutants. Finally, a Homeotic Orchid Tepal (HOT) model is proposed, in which dualistic characters of duplicated B-class MADS-box genes are involved in orchid perianth development and growth.

2014.1.24 花芽分化
2011.3.3 掲載、主な属の新芽の出方と咲き方のあらまし